Recent Writing
Click here to read my Hopkins Center for the Arts blog article "Using small stories to build big new worlds."
Click here for a full overview of my scholarly, artistic and educational work.
Teaching Artist Work:
CUNY Creative Arts Team early childhood and literacy residency.
5th graders create their own superhero masks and characters at a Community-Word Project residency.
Green Generations students respond to art at the Whitney Museum.
Decorating pumpkins with Green Generations students and their families.
Leading a demo theatre lesson at the Community-Word Project's TATIP Program.
Green Generations students make their own crowns to celebrate their uniqueness.
Green Generations students declare their dreams for the future.
Performance Work:
Eclipsed, The Tank Theater
Eclipsed, The Tank Theater
The Revolve Project, Teatro LATEA
Censored On Final Approach, Women In Military Service For America Memorial
Censored On Final Approach, Women In Military Service For America Memorial
From the Fire, Edinburgh Fringe Festival
From the Fire, Edinburgh Fringe Festival
This Girl Laughs, This Girl Cries, This Girl Does Nothing, University of Texas at Austin